介绍了以燕麦麸为原料 ,经现代食品加工技术精制而成的新型保健食品—高纤麦维素。总膳食纤维含量高达 30 % ,可溶性膳食纤维 9.5 6 % ,其中主要成分为 β 葡聚糖。在高脂饲料中添加本品 10 % ,饲喂高脂模型大鼠 4周 ,结果 :大鼠血脂TC、TG、LDL C值显著低于对照组 ,HDL C值略有提高。利用核素67Ga直结肠通过显像观察 ,可显著改善肠蠕动功能 ,迅速通便。
The paper introduces a new health food,Mai Wei Su,which is made of oat bran with modern food processing technology.Its total dietary fiber content is as high as 30% and soluble dietary fiber content is 9.65%.Its main composition is β glucan.The product was added to high fat feed at the rate of 10% and then fed to mice with hyperlipemia.The results showed that:TC,TG and LDL C level in blood fat of the mice were significantly lower than that of the control and HDL C was increased a little.Take 67 Ga nuclide developing observation,it showed that the product could greatly improve the peristalsis function of colon and relieve constipation.
Science and Technology of Cereals,Oils and Foods