在足球机器人比赛中 ,视觉子系统是整个系统获取外部信息的唯一通道 ,能否由视觉系统快速、准确的得到场上的信息 ,是整个比赛的关键 ,它的性能直接关系到比赛的胜败 .针对集控式视觉系统讨论了视觉系统的特点、功能、实现以及系统设计的几个关键问题 .
In the Soccer-Robot system, vision system as the detective parts of the system is the only access to the environment. So its performance affects the result of the match severely. So the major of the match is whether we can acquire the exact information on the field quickly. The vision-based system is discussed, and its characters, function, realization and some important technologies are explained.
国家自然科学基金 (6 0 10 40 0 9)
山东省自然科学基金(Q99G0 9)资助项目