弗洛伊德主义 ,又称精神分析或心理分析理论 ,这一理论产生于 19世纪末。弗洛伊德的精神分析理论 ,与 17、18世纪以来资产阶级哲学把理性当作人类本性的传统观点完全对立 ,强调人的无意识本能欲望是人类行为的真正动因 ,从而也汇入了 2 0世纪哲学的非理性主义思潮中 ,并为非理性主义哲学提供了心理学和生物学的根据。
Introduction to Psychoanalysis is one of the classic works of Freud. Freudism, named after its founder Sigmund Freud, is also known as Psychoanalysis Theory, which came into being in the late 19 th century. Psychoanalysis was originally only a theory and method to deal with psychosis by making use of catharsis to treat nerve function diseases. Since the 1920s, Freudism has become a very important genre in modern psychology and its theoretical principles and viewpoints have been widely applied to such fields as literature, art, social sciences and so on. What's more, Freudism has developed from an unconscious psychological system to an important 'life philosophy'.
Journal of Huzhou University