针对人工设计量规时的缺陷和不足 ,在 Auto CAD中采用 Autolisp语言编制参数绘图程序的技巧 ,通过建立数据库和图块库 ,给出了量规计算机辅助设计的程序设计流程图 ,并说明了量规 CAD过程的数据处理方法 .介绍了 Auto-CAD的 Autolisp语言的特点和二次开发的一般步骤 .最后通过实例说明了孔用系列量规工作图的自动生成方法 .图 3,表 1,参
In order to improve the design efficiency to avoid the disandvantage for a gauge design by man, a gauge's programming flow chart was proposed by setting up data bank and chart bank, and by means of the skill for designing parametric plotting program with Autolisp in AutoCAD. And then a methool of the data processing for a gauge computer aided design was illustrated in this paper. We also introduced Autolisp's speciality and normal steps making a program by using it.At last there was a practical example of the gauge chart that was formed automatically,which was used for measuring a series of hole,by using CAD in this paper. 3figs., 1tab., 7refs.
Journal of Xiangtan Mining Institute