目的 探讨成人急性白血病的免疫表型特征与诊断价值。方法 采用流式细胞仪对59例成人急性白血病进行免疫表型分析。结果 急性淋巴细胞白血病除均表达淋系抗原外 ,有15.0%伴有髓系抗原(CD13、CD33、CD11b)的表达 ;急性髓细胞白血病均表达髓系抗原 ,同时有13.9%伴有淋系抗原(CD7)的表达。2例细胞形态学不能确定的白血病结合免疫表型分别确诊为M7和HAL;1例形态学诊断为慢粒急淋变的病例 ,经免疫表型检测后诊断为HAL。结论 免疫表型分析能确诊一些特殊类型的白血病 。
Objectice To study the immune phenotype and diagnosis value. Methods Assay the immune phenotype in 59 patients with adult acute leukemia by flow cytometer. Results Acute lymphatic leukemia express lymphatic antigen besides 15% accompany myeloid antigen. Acute myeloid leukemia express myeloid antigen besides 13.9% accompany leukemia antigen. 2 patients with undefenitive cell morphology disgnosed M7 and HAL binding immune phenotype.1 finally defined HAL by immune phenotype although morphology diagnose chronic granular differentiated to acute lymphatic leukemia. Conclusion Immune phenotype can define some particularly leukemia, and have a important value in diagnosis typing and predicting prognosis of acute leukemia.
Zhejiang Clinical Medical Journal