利用膜过滤法将 Frankia 纯培养菌株 Cc01和Mg^+的顶囊分离出来。并在顶囊悬液中加入一定量的 ATP 及 NADH,发现顶囊能在固氮的同时将 NH^+_4排到顶囊之外,顶囊中没有测出最初同化 NH^+_4的酶——谷酰胺合成酶(GS)活性,游离氨基酸的总含量也比完整菌丝中少,且 GLN(GLU)含量也不如菌丝中的含量高。这些结果表明,虽然固氮作用发生在顶囊中,但 NH^+_4的进一步同化则是在菌丝中进行的。
Vesicles of strain Cc01 and Mg^+ were
isolated using the methods of membrane fil-
tration.Certain amount of ATP and NADH
were put into the vesicle suspended solution.
It was found that the vesicles be able to re-
lease NH_4^+ while fixing N_2.There was no
glutamin synthetase (GS) activity which ca-
talize NH_4^+ assimilation in the vesicles of the
two Frankia strains.The content of free
amino acids were fewer and the content of
GLU (GLN) was not prominent in the vesi-
cles.These results indicated that ahhough ni-
trogen fixation occured in the vesicles the site
of ammonium assimilation otherwise inside
the hyphae of the strains.
Acta Microbiologica Sinica