医疗纠纷是阻碍医院发展的原因之一。医院为解决医疗纠纷浪费了大量人力、物力、财力。如何预防医疗纠纷已成为医院管理的一大课题。本文通过分析医疗纠纷发生的原因和新形势下医疗纠纷的新特点 ,结合我院管理实践 。
The medical dispute is one of the reasons that obstacle the development of the hospitals. The hospitals have spent much time and money in solving the problems. The hospital administrators are confronting with a big problem, how to prevent the disputes between the patients and the hospitals. The author makes an in depth analysis on the reasons and characteristics of the medical disputes and probe to the method to prevent the medical disputes by study on our administrative practices.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army