随着生物技术的飞速发展 ,以DNA分析技术为基础的现代分子生物学技术得到了广泛的应用。作为林业科学一门重要学科 ,森林微生物学在应用分子生物技术上明显滞后于其它学科 ,严重影响了学科的发展。在森林微生物分类学、微生物群落生态学、病原微生物防治、共生微生物功能利用等方面 ,分子生物学技术具有广泛的应用前景。文章在综合国内外有关研究的基础上 ,结合教学实践 ,对森林微生物DNA提取、纯化、分析及DNA杂交技术进行介绍 。
On the basis of DNA analysis, modern molecular biology has being extensively used in many aspects of biological studies. These vital techniques, however, has not been widely applied in the research field of forest microbiology. Taxon selective probes have been designed and tested to characterize microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi and virus through amplifying specific sequences of genomic region. This paper describes the current advances of DNA techniques in studying forest microbiology, with emphasis on symbiotic fungi associated with tree root system. \;
Forestry Science and Technology of Guangdong Province