超高倍多媒体显微诊断仪通过“一滴血检查”可检测多种疾病的亚健康状态 ,可通过观察尿中红细胞形态来鉴别肾小球性和非肾小球性血尿 ,可同时观察分泌物中的支原体、衣原体和梅毒螺旋体等 ,方便简单 。
The sub health state of many diseases can be knowned through a drop of blood by using multimedia microscapy diagnostic instrument.For example,the shape of RBC in urine glomerulus blood urine and nonglomerulus blood urine can be distingudished,and many pathogens such as mycoplasma,chlamydia and siphilitic leptospira in the secretion can be found by using this diagnostic instrument.The method is simple and effective.
Acta Medicinae Sinica