本文通过对平交和立交路口交通流参数的观察和测试(有效交通样本数1万4千个),运用系统工程的概念,对选择城市道路立交型式涉及的技术和经济因素进行了系统的分析、研究,提出了立交选型的量化体系和量化标准。 本文从定量的角度着重研究四个方面:建设立交的标准;建设分行立交的标准;立交通行能力组合公式;立交经济评价方法和数学模式。 这一研究内容对城市规划、设计、交通管理、决策部门具有现实的参考价值。
Using a conception of system engineering, and through an observation and surveying on the traffic flow parameters of crossings and interchanges with 14000 effective traffic samples gained, this article deals with a systematic analysis and research on the technical and economic factors associated with the selection of types of urban road interchanges, and presents a quantitative system and standard for the type-selection of interchanges.This paper lays emphasis on the four respects of the research: the standards for the construction of interchanges, the standards for the construction of divided-lane interchanges;the composite formula for the traffic capacity of interchanges,the economic evaluation methods and mathematic models for the interchanges.The contents of this research will be useful for the organizations of urbanplanning, designing, traffic control and policy-making.
China Civil Engineering Journal