The micro-scale flow's behavior has attracted great interest of the scientific researchersof the Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS). As the flow characteristic length approachesto the intrinsic one of fluid medium, it is an open question that if macro scopic fluid flow ruleskeep valid. For gas flows, the Knudsen number linking these two characteristic lengths, has beenregarded as the criteria from continuous theory to free-molecule flow: Kn < 10-2 is for continuousflow regime and Kn > 10 for free-molecule flow regime. But for liquid flows, unfortunately,understanding of micro-fluid mechanics is much less than that for gases. It's still unclear whetherthe intrinsic characteristic length of liquid and the nondimentional number, like Kn, is suitablefor liquid as. Some recent experimental results in micro-scale flows show conflict phenomena.This is not only resulted from the difficulty of the micro-scale experimental technique which needsimprovement, but also from unawareness of fundamental facts in micro-flows. So it's valuable to dofurther in depth research. This paper presents at first the micro-flow experimental apparatus. Itspressure range was from 0 to 1 MPa with a high-pressure gas source, the experimental temperaturevaried in the range of 10°C^40°C and the flow rates were measured indirectly with displacementmethod. The error were analyzed, including the error resulted by the unsteady influence of thedisplacement of the liquid free surface. Under this experimental condition, the main error wasresulted in the measuring of the microtube's diameter. Non-ion water and several organic liquidsthrough a microchannel with diameter near 25μm were investigated. Flow rates and pressure dropwere measured. The experimental Reynolds numbers were smaller than 8, the liquid molecularweights vary from 18 to 160, their viscosity are 0.5~1mPa.s. The flow rates varied linearly withpressure drop. It means that the flow behaviors are in agreement with the conventional theory in theHagen-Poiseuille flow. As all the organic
Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics