
程序挖掘中需求描述的研究 被引量:7

Research of Requirement Description in Program Mining
摘要 随着基于构件的程序挖掘思想犤1犦的提出,正确获取用户需求描述成为程序挖掘的关键。通用建模语言UML(U-nifiedModelingLanguage)作为用户需求建模的重要工具,成为用户需求描述的工业化标准。文章在分析需求描述在程序挖掘中的特性的基础上,研究UML的优点和缺陷,提出一种基于UML的构件化的用户需求获取方法CBU(ComponentBasedUML),给出了CBU的XML描述。文中论述了程序挖掘的基本概念、程序挖掘中需求描述的特点、UML的缺陷等方面的问题。 With the idea of program mining,how to describe the requirement becomes the first impotent problem.In re-cent years,UML (Unified Modeling Language)has been a standard language for modeling software requirements and de-sign.In this paper the authors investigate the characteristic of requirements description in program mining and the suit-ability of UML as a semiformal requirements specification language.For solving these problems in UML ,the authors give a new modeling language for requirement description based on components,named CBU(Component Based UML ).To tackle with this problem,they propose a program mining methodology based components and multi-agent ,i.e.with the aid of intelligent agents,analyzing and understanding user's requests for computing,i.e.Mapping algorithm from CBU to com-ponent description with XML.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期53-56,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金资助 国家973重点研究发展规划项目资助
关键词 程序挖掘 需求描述 研究 软件开发 软件质量 Requirement Description,Component Description,UML ,XML
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