本文针对目前出现大量高校合并、升格的情况 ,并结合我校情况分析了这些高校图书馆的现状 ,指出了他们既有机遇又有挑战 ,应加强自身建设 ,努力使高校升格后不出现文献资源的“饥荒”。另外探讨了有关教育主管部门在对高校的评估中 ,如何以更准确、更适宜的评价标准来要求各高校有的放矢地加强图书馆的各方面工作 ,从而为高层次的办学服务。
The article makes an analysis of the amalgamation and upgrading of higher colleges and points out that there is opportunity as well as challenge according to the present situation of these higher college libraries. we should strengthen the self-construction and try hard to avoid 'starvation' of documents after the upgrading. The author also has a discussion of how to reinforce the library work by using a more accurate and suitable standard to serve the college better when the education authority is evaluating higher colleges.