为了保护南湖水质 ,防止因环南湖游路建设造成的水土流失而引起南湖水质恶化 ,运用水土流失方程对环南湖游路建设的水土流失侵蚀强度及流失量进行分析计算。结果表明 :环南湖路的建设将造成一定量的水土流失 ,流失量可达 90 4 15t/a ,采用水土流失防治措施 ,如改进施工方法将大量削减水土流失量 ,削减量可达86 7 44t/a。
Based on the environmental survey of Nanhu Lake Scenery and test of modelling,the soil erosion from construction of circle Nanhu Lake tourism road was calculated with the general USLE equation.The results show the erosion amount is 904.15 t/a,which is serious to Nanhu Lake water quality,and it will be cut down to 867.44 t/a with the countermeasures such as improving methods of construction.It's helpful to environmental protection management of the construction of Nanhu Lake secenery.