通过监测轴封抽汽室温度 ,并与轴封间隙正常时轴封抽汽室的理论温度进行对比 ,实现对轴封系统运行状态的监测与诊断。该方法不仅有利于实现对轴封间隙变化的早期发现 ,而且也有利于运行中指导对轴封供汽压力的调整。为运行中防止蒸汽外漏或空气漏入低压缸 。
Through comparing the measured temperature in the sealing steam exhaust box with its theory temperature when the inter-space between gland baffles and shaft is normal, the monitor and diagnosis of operating condition of steam turbine gland system is realized. This monitor and diagnosis method not only helps to find the change of the inter-space between gland baffles shaft early, but also helps to instruct the regulation of gland steam pressure. Also, this method lays foundation for prevent steam leaking out or gases leaking into.
Turbine Technology