目的 :探讨变应性真菌性鼻窦炎 (AFS)的诊断及治疗。方法 :8例AFS患者均行鼻内窥镜手术、激素治疗及抗真菌药物冲洗术腔。结果 :随访 13~ 4 0个月 ,2例复发 ,再次接受同样治疗 ,现仍在随访中。结论 :AFS的症状主要表现为变应性鼻炎的症状及骨质吸收 ,需要鼻内窥镜手术、激素及抗真菌药物等综合治疗。AFS易复发 。
Objective:To study the diagnosis and treatment of allergic fungal sinusitis (AFS).Method:Eight cases of AFS were analysed.The cardinal symptom is the symptom of allergic rhinitis and bone erosion of sinus.All cases were treated with the endoscopic sinus surgery,steroids and topical antifungal therapy.Result:In follow up of 13 months to 40 months,no recurrence ocurred with 6 cases,recurrence with 2 cases then were given the same treatment again and are in follow up now.Conclusion:The cardinal symptom of AFS is the symptom of allergic rhinitis and bone erosion of sinus.The comprehensive treatment with the endoscopic sinus surgery,steroids and topical antifungal therapy is needed.AFS is easily recurrent.The long term follow up is very important.
Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology