本文针对本院体育教育专业学生生源素质差、课时短的情况 ,为改进教学方法 ,解决学生学习困难的问题 ,在铅球教学中大胆尝试了认知训练的方法 ,通过在 2 0 0 0届学生中教学实验 ,结果表明 :实验组和对照组考核成绩差异显著 ,因而提出 :在教学中适当采用认知训练能加快学生技术动作的形成 。
In view of the inferior quality of the majors in physical education and shot class period in Huaibei Coal Industry Teachers College,the writer tries cognition training method,in shot teaching to 2000 grade students in order to improve teaching method and help the students to study more easily.The results of the experiment show that the experimented group gets much better achievements than the nonexperimented one.Therefore,the paper puts forward a point of view:that it is an effective teaching method to property apply cognition training to quichen the formation of the students technical pose.
Journal of Anhui Agrotechnical Teachers College