通过组合块 Jacobi方法和块 Davidson方法 ,提出了一个新方法——块 Jacobi- Davidson方法。它不仅是 Jacobi- Davidson方法的推广而且改进了收敛性 ,适用于计算大型稀疏对称矩阵若干个最大或最小特征值及相应特征向量。最后给出了一些数值试验的结果 ,结果显示块 Jacobi- Davidson方法是有效的。
In this paper,Jacobi iteration method(JOCC) for finding approximation of the largest simple eigenvalue of a strongly diagonally dominant symmetric matrix was considered,and block Jacobi iteration method for simultaneously computing a few of approximations of the greatst eigenvalues of strongly diagonally dominant symmetric matrix was proposed,the block Davidson method referred to as an accelerated block Jacobi iteration method was demonstrated,and then some results of numerical test so as to compare and analyse them were presented.
Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)