文章回顾了图书馆与时俱进从情报化到信息化成为现代信息中心再展英姿的历程 ,从知识在创新中的地位作用和获取应用的角度 ,把知识分为显性知识与隐性知识两大类 ,进而 ,把隐性知识划分为主观隐性知识、客观隐性知识和主客观交叉的隐性知识 3等三种。从实现创新的过程及其对知识的需求 ,论证了使隐性知识“浮出水面”的知识发现是创新的源泉与保障 ;论证了开创满足用户隐性知识需求的服务新领域 。
The paper reviews the process of library becoming modern and important information centre,and divides knowledge into dominant knowledge and latent knowledge according to the their roles in innovation and the application of them.Then the latent knowledge is divided into subjective latent knowledge,objective latent knowledge and subjective and objective intersected latent knowledge. On the basis of innovation process and demand of knowledge,the paper proves that the discovery of latent knowledge is the resource and support of innovation.the paper puts forward that the development of a new service field to meet the demands of latent knowledge is a new opportunity and challenge for library.
Library Tribune