笔者在 “皖07井水位与地震关系初探”[1] 一文中曾就皖07井水位对400km范围部分中强震的映震特征和映震机理作了一定程度的分析探讨。 为了进一步研讨皖07井水位的映震规律,近年来在文献[1]的基础上,应用 “SHP2.0”软件,对20多年水位观测资料进行数理分析,发现07井水位除了对部分中强震有映震能力外,对1999年台湾7.6级强震和其东部特定区域的小震也有一定的映震能力。 本文着重分析皖07井水位对1999年台湾特大强震和部分小震的映震特征,研究其映震机理,为单井预报地震提供依据。
The authors analysed and discussed the earthquake-ind icating character istics and earthquake-indicating mechanism of the water-level of Wan No.7 well to moderate earthquakes within 400 km to a certain extent in the paper entitled “Preliminary study of relation between 07 well water level of Anhui and earthquake” [1]. To study and discuss the earthquake-indicating law of the Wan No.7 well further,mathematical and physical analysis has been made of the water -level observation data lasting for more than 20 years in recent years on the basis of the reference [1],using the software of “SHP 2.0” The results show that except for part of moderate earthquakes,the Wan No.7 well possesses certa in earthquake-indicating capability to the M 7.6 Taiwan earthquake of 1999 and small earthquakes in some specific area to the east of the well too. The present paper analyzes mainly the earthquake-indicating characteristics of the water-level of the Wan No.7 well to the extremely strong Taiwan earthquake of 1999 and part of small earthquakes,and investigates its earthquake-indicating mechanism too,in an attempt to provide scientific basis for earthquake prediction based on a single well.
Journal of Seismology
ground-water regime
earthquake-indicating characteristics
earthquake-indicating mechanism