地理学界一直关注对城市空间结构的解释 ,如城市地区居住和非居住活动的分布区位和密度 ,以及它们的空间联系。本文以东京为例 ,对特大城市的人口分布及其变动趋势作了较全面的分析 ,主要包括 :1)人口数量变动及其分布 ;2 )人口结构变动及其分布 ;3)
Geographer have long been interested in explaining urban spatial structure, i.e., the location and density of residential and nonresidential activities in urban areas and their spatial linkage relations. The purpose of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey of population distribution and its trend of megacity (a case study of Tokyo). Main points are: (1) population quantitative evolution and its distribution; (2) population structural evolution and its distribution; (3) main linked factors.
World Regional Studies
国家自然科学基金项目 (项目编号 :4 98710 30 )