在色谱过程中 ,将流动相看成是由许多连续的塔板组成 ,每一塔板的高度与固定相塔板的高度相同。初始浓度的溶质被认为全部集中在流动相的第一塔板中 ;溶质在流动相和固定相之间动态分布。由于色谱动力学因素的影响 ,当流动相流过一个塔板距离时 ,溶质不能够迅速地从固定相释放到流动相中 ,因此溶质在流动相和固定相中的分布浓度受到两个因素即反映色谱系统热力学性质的分配系数P和反映色谱系统动力学性质的释放概率因子α的影响。这一过程被认为是非理想状态下的色谱过程。采用统计学的观点 ,综合分析了非理想状态下P和α对色谱分布的影响 ;利用计算机技术模拟了色谱分布曲线 ,最终建立了一种非理想状态下的塔板理论分布模型 ,推导出了非理想状态下色谱分布方程 ,提出了释放概率因子和分配系数对色谱结果共同作用的模式。结果表明色谱释放概率因子可以作为衡量色谱系统优劣的一个指数 。
The mobile phase in chromatography is regarded as to be composed of many continual plates, whose height is the same as that of one plate in the stationary phase The solute in initial concentration of mobile phase is seen to be concentrated in the first plate The solute is exchanged dynamically between the mobile phase and stationary phase When the mobile phase passes the distance of one plate in the stationary phase, the solute cannot be immediately released from the stationary phase to mobile phase, because of the dynamic factors of chromatographic system The solute distribution between mobile and stationary phases is controlled by two factors, i e the equilibrium coefficient P, which represents chromatographic thermodynamic properties, and release probability factor α, which represents chromatographic dynamic properties This process is considered as non ideal chromatography In the view of statistics, authors studied the influences integrated of the release property factor and equilibrium coefficient factor upon chromatographic distribution, and simulated the chromatographic distribution curve by means of computer As a result, a new distribution model has been established, the distribution equation under the non ideal chromatography was deduced and, the integrative action of the release probability and the equilibrium coefficient was revealed The release probability factor can be regarded as an index in chromatography and the peak width can be deduced and hence the resolution can be calculated through this index
Chinese Journal of Chromatography
release probability factor
plate theory
non ideal chromatography