

Direct Evidence of Magnetic Reconnection in Photospheric Layer on the Sun
摘要 本文首次给出了发生在太阳光球磁重联的一个直接的观测证据。 这一磁重联的观测特征是:(1)重联发生在一新浮现磁通量区的一极与极性相反的老磁通量之间;(2)重联前中性线附近磁剪切明显;(3)被重联两极为一对消磁结构,重联发生在稳定的磁通量损失数小时之后;(4)一个级别为C2.9的亚耀斑发生在重联之前。该耀斑以重联区为中心,双带离重联位置2~3万公里,直到耀斑极大相后14分钟,重联仍未发生;(5)重联后,磁对消速率呈增大趋势。 A direct evidence of magnetic reconnection in photospheric layer on the sun has been presented in this paper for the first time with the aid of the time sequence of vector magneto-grams on the photosphere.The main observational characteristics of this reconnection are as follows:1. The reconnection is observed in the photospheric layer.2. It appears in the interface between a pole of an emerging flux region and an old flux feature with opposite polarity.3. Before the reconnection the field in the interface is strongly sheared.4. Two components involved in the reconnection appear as a cancelling magnetic feature. The reconnection begins when the flux cancellation has taken place for several hours.5. The reconnection is observed well after a subflare with X-ray classification of C2.9. Untial the maximum phase, the reconnection has still not taken place.6. After the reconnection, the rate of flux disappearance tends to increase.The points (1), (4) and (5) seem to have some controversies with the existel idea of magnetic reconnection. As we only have the data of transverse field measurements on photosphere, we are not able to know if the reconnection only occurs in photosphere, or first appears in corona then propagates downward to bring the appearance on photosphere.We predict that reconnection in photosphere should be commonly observed with vector magnetograms of high spacial and temporal resolution.
出处 《天体物理学报》 CSCD 1991年第4期389-393,共5页
基金 国家自然科学基金 中国科学院重大项目
关键词 太阳 磁场 磁重联 观测 The sun-magnetic field-reconnection
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