渝黄 1号是西南农业大学农学系油菜研究室采用化学杀雄配制的甘蓝型黄籽杂交油菜新品种 ,经重庆市多点区域试验、生产试验和长江流域各省、市、区示范 ,表现出综合性状好、产量高、出油率高、油清澈透明、抗 (耐 )病害、熟期适中等特征。重庆市区试两年平均产量 1888.6 5kg/hm2 ,比对照中油 82 1增产 2 0 .97% ,生产试验平均产量 1836 .75kg/hm2 ,比对照中油 82 1增产 14 .39% ,生产示范最高产量达 32 14 .5 0kg/hm2 。 2 0 0 1年 5月通过重庆市农作物品种审定委员会审定。
Yuhuang 1', a new yellow-seeded hybrid cultivar of rape (Brassica napus) , developed by the Oil Crop Laboratory of Southwest Agricultural University by application of a chemical gametocide in hybridization, stood out for its good comprehensive traits, high grain yield and oil yield, clearness of its oil, resistance/tolerance to diseases and desirable maturation date in multi-locational regional tests and production tests in Chongqing and in demonstration experiments in various provinces along the Changjiang River. Its yield in the two-year regional tests in Chongqing averaged 1888.65 kg/ha, a 20.97% increase over the control cultivar (Zhongyou 821). In the production test, its average yield was 1836.75 kg/ha, 14.3% higher than that of Zhongyou 821. Its maximum yield was as high as 3214.50 kg/ha in the demonstration experiments. In May, 2001, the Crop Examination and Approval Committee of Chongqing approved its registration and released it as a cultivar for recommendation.
Journal of Southwest Agricultural University
重庆市科委攻关项目 :甘蓝型优质黄籽杂交油菜组合选育研究