采用两步法合成了色氨酸及组氨酸的羰基锝配合物。纸上电泳结果表明 ,在pH为 4 .7、7.4和 9.2三种缓冲体系中配合物不带电荷。从实验结果推测了其可能的结构。在荷肉瘤S180的小鼠体内分布实验表明 ,组氨酸羰基锝配合物在体内稳定 ,清除速率也较快 ,在肿瘤中有较高的摄取 ,肿瘤 /肌肉达到 3— 4。而色氨酸的羰基锝配合物在体内不稳定 ,各组织和器官内滞留时间较长、摄取较高 ,肿瘤中也有一定的摄取 ,肿瘤 /肌肉为 2— 3,但其效果远不如组氨酸羰基锝配合物。
The Tc-carbonyl complexes of tryptophan and histidine were synthesized by two-step method. The yielded complexes were found by paper electrophoresis to be electrically neutral in three buffer solutions (pH=4.7, 7.4, 9.2). Their possible structures were postulated based on ab initio MO calculations. The biodistribution in mice bearing S180 tumor demonstrated that the Tc-carbonyl complex of histidine showed good stability in vivo and quick clearance, selectively accumulated in tumor. The tumor/muscle ratio attained 3 to 4. However, the complex of tryptophan showed poor stability in vivo and slow clearance, and retained for a long time in organs and tissues. It also accumulated in tumor to some extent. The tumor/muscle ratio attained 2 to 3. The labeling of proteins and polypeptides with the Tc(I)-carbonyl complex was also discussed.
Nuclear Techniques
国家自然科学基金资助 (2 90 310 2 0 - 0 2 )项目