“三个代表”重要思想坚持和发展了邓小平关于社会主义的本质的基本观点 ,与“三个有利于”标准是一脉相承的。二者都坚持了马克思主义唯物史观的基本立场和观点———把生产力作为社会发展与进步的根本物质力量。共同的核心就是人民群众的利益高于一切。较之“三个有利于”标准 ,“三个代表”对社会主义的文化特征有了更全面。
Three Pepresents Theory upholds and develops Deng Xiaoping's basic viewpoints about the essence of socialism, and is traced to the same origin of Three Favorables. They both adhere to the basic stand and opinion of Marxist Historical Materialism--taking productive forces as the fundamental material force for social development. The core in common is that the interests of the masses are above everything. Compared with Three Favorables, Three Represents contains more comprehensive and profound knowledge and understanding towards the characteristics of socialistic culture.
Journal of Shaanxi Institute of Education