在中国由计划经济向市场经济转变过程中 ,作为受经济基础制约而又有其巨大的相对独立性的上层建筑 ,道德也就面临着一个如何评价当前道德状况和如何建设新道德的问题。作者通过用马克思主义的方法对经济和道德、制度和道德之间关系的辩证分析 ,高扬自由人幸福的道德自律生活 ,分析了市场经济对道德的双重影响 ,驳斥了代价论等错误观点 ,从而提出了有别于一般“制度说”的新制度说 。
In China during the course of transforming planned economy into market economy,moral,a superstructure with relatively great independence which is restricted.By economic system,is subjected to aproblem of how to evaluate current moral conditions and to construct new morals.On the basis of dialectical analysis of the relation between economy and morals,systemd and morals by using Marxist method,the author of this essay high praises free person's happy,moral and self-discipline life analyses dual influence of the market economy on morals and refutes wrong views as talks of cost and so on,then proposes theory of new system which is different from the old one and three-step construction scheme and theory which take system as central task.
Journal of Yiyang Teachers College