淮南潘谢矿区年总设计生产能力为 2 10 0× 10 4t。区内第四系松散层厚 16 9~ 437m ,为巨厚松散强含水层 ,设计留设80m防水煤岩柱 ,防水煤柱储量达 6× 10 8t。通过开展缩小防水煤柱试采研究工作 ,将原设计留设的 80m防水煤柱减小到6 0m左右 ,局部仅 40m。本文通过总结潘谢矿区 10年来缩小防水煤柱工作面成功的开采实践 ,比较系统地阐述了潘谢矿区水文地质特征、覆岩破坏规律及缩小防水煤柱机理。
Panxie mine (PMA) lies in the north bank of Huaihe river in Anhui Province. Its designed total output is 2100×10 4t. The alluvium of Quaternay in the area is a rich aquiferous layer, the thickness of it is 169~437m. After the mining experiment of reducing the sizes of waterproof coal pillars under water\|bearing alluvium, we have reduced the designing width of waterproof coal pillars from 80m to 60m, partly to only 40m. By summarizing the successful mining practice in Panxie mine in the past ten years, we systematically expounded the hydrogeological feature of Panxie mine, failure law of the overburden and the mechanism of reducing waterproof coal pillars.
Hydrogeology & Engineering Geology
安徽省教育厅自然科学基金 ( 2 0 0 2KJ0 35
2 0 0 2KJ0 5 0 )