通过对 2 39份水稻精米的微量元素含量测定 ,结果表明 :稻米中铅含量在 0 .0 2~ 1 4 .2 6 mg/kg之间 ,镉含量在 0 .0 1~ 1 .98mg/kg之间 ,砷含量在 0 .0 8~ 4 9.1 4 μg/kg之间 ,不同的水稻基因型稻米中含量差异极为显著。稻米中镉含量与锰、铁元素的含量呈显著性负相关 ,三者的含量与铬、镍、钼、钴的含量极显著相关 ,三者与氨基酸的相关性极小。表明通过遴选低铅、低镉、低砷的水稻基因型品种 ,改善环境污染给人带来的危害是可行的。
Determine the concentrations of trace elements in polished grains of rice genotypes and find:Pb is between (0.02~14.21mg/kg ),Cd(0.01~1.98mg/kg) and As(0.08~49.14μg/kg. Their concentrations exist significant difference in different rice genotypes and show close relation with Cr,Ni,Mo,Co and little with mion acid. The concentration of Cd shows the negative relation with Mn and Fe. This study demonstrates that we can select the rice genotypes low in Pb,Cd,As to improve environmental pollution.
Journal of Yunnan Normal University:Natural Sciences Edition