随着我国计划经济体制向市场经济体制的转变 ,与之相联系的道德观念也发生着巨大的变化。对计划经济及其道德观念的反思 ,使人们认识到任何一种道德观念形态的存在都必然受到社会大文化背景 ,尤其是现实经济基础的制约。计划经济体制 ,决定了其整个社会道德观念是对个人自主性的排斥和对个人绝对服从“集体”与国家的强调。市场经济体制 ,必然促进社会道德观念的变革 ,推动基本利益关系和基本行为准则的调整 ,重塑社会成员的集体观念、社会责任感和道德意识 ,建立与之相适应的道德规范 。
People's moral sense changes greatly with the transit of our economic system from planning to marketing.Reviewing the planning economic system and people's moral sense rating to it people can see that the existence of any monal formation is influenced by its social cultural background,especially its economic foundation. Planning economic system decides that the social moral sense stresses people's obedience to collectivity and the state instead of individual initiativeness.Marketing economic system promotes the change of people's moral idea and the construction of the moral system through adjusting people's attitudes towards collectivity,social responsibility and moral sense
Journal of Ezhou University