采用NCⅡ遗传交配设计 ,以分属于不同杂种优势群的 6个自交系做测验种 ,与 6个合成群体组配成 36个组合。结果表明 :单株产量的GCA以LBM最高 ,其次为WBM ,从株型、穗型性状的SCA分析合成群体与自交系组成了 9个优良杂种优势模式。单株产量最高的组合为HZ85×WBM ,其均值为 10 8 75g。通过对优良杂优模式内的变异参数估计 ,在群体内有丰富的变异个体 ,具有很强的选择潜势。组合内个体产量分布以及出现的频率对选系和轮回选择具有明确的指导意义。人工合成群体具有丰富的遗传变异 ,分属于不同的杂种优势类群 ,具有多元种质的特性。作为选系和轮回选择群体 。
The North CarolinaⅡ(NCⅡ) mating design was used to evaluate the genetic bases of 36 hybridized combinations in six maize synthesized populations and six inbreds from different germplasm.The results of field data showed that the GCA of plant grain of LBM was the highest,and second is WBM.They are better than BSSSR and BS16 from USA,9 elite heterosis cross models were formed according to SCA of plant grain.The grain value of it from WBM×HZ85 was the highest,and it reached 108 75 g.Through the estimation for variance parameters from elite heterosis models.We known that there were a number of different value at plant grain character in same cross,it indicated that they contained strong genetic selected potential.The value and distribution rate of plant grain could help breeders select lines.Synthetic maize populations have abundant genetic diversity and belong to different heterosis type respectively.They come from a variety of maize germplasme.They are elite population for choosing inbred line and recurrent selection.
Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Sinica