Commercially-available electrode carbons,produced using a variety of filler cokes,were heat treated between their baking temperatures and 2500℃ Their tensile strengths were determined by diametral compression testing of 60 mm diameter by 40 mm tall cylinders. Pore structural parameters were obtained by computerized image analysis of low-magnification,incidentlight microscope images.For each carbon examined, the tensile strengths fell progressivelly with increasing heat-treatment temperature.These changes in tensile strength were not reflected by progressive changes in any individual pore structural parameter. However, strength and structural data could be related with precision by an equation originally developed from studies of metallurgical cokes. Fractograpliic analysis showed that some carbons failed by transgranular filler fracture and others by failure of a weak binder/ filler interface. This resulted in two strength/structure equations ,differing in the magnitude of their coefficients, being obtained.
Carbon Techniques