在掷铁饼动作单腿支撑旋转阶段中各肢体环节运动较为复杂,特别体现在下肢各环节运动中。研究应用vector coding方法对该阶段中各下肢关节间运动协调方式进行量化,从而探讨其对运动水平的影响。研究结果显示不同水平掷铁饼运动员在两侧踝关节间、两侧髋关节屈伸间、左踝与左髋展收间、左膝与左髋展收间、右踝与右膝间、右膝与右髋屈伸间部分运动协调方式中存在显著性差异。研究认为这些运动协调方式更加有助于单腿支撑旋转阶段中获得人体在水平面内的角动量和线动量等运动任务的实现,从而促进运动水平的提升。建议将这些作为优秀运动员掷铁饼动作诊断指标。
The movement of segments in the entry phase of discus throwing is complex. It shows especially on the lower limbs. The essay applied the method of vector coding to quantify the inter--segment coordination among lower limbs. Consequently, it probed into its effect on the skill level. Results revealed that the coordination patterns on both sides of the ankle and hip (Flexion and Extension), between left ankle and hip (Abduction and Adduction), between left knee and hip (Abduction and Adduction), between right ankle and knee, and between right knee and hip (Flexion and Extension) has significant difference among two skill levels. The essay concluded that these inter--segment coordination patterns are more helpful to finish movement tasks of entry phase such as improving of body's angular and linear momentum in horizontal plane, thereby promote the skill level. Its advice is to take these inter--segment coordination patterns as a part of indexs to diagnose the discus throwing technique.
Zhejiang Sport Science