通过TM数据假彩色合成、纹理分析、目视解译及隐伏信息提取等手段 ,解译了内蒙古巴彦塔拉盆地内铀矿找矿目标层 (K1b)出露范围 ,解译并野外追索了NE向的控盆断裂组 (F1、F2 、F3 )、NNE向断裂组 (F2 0 、F2 1)以及NW、近EW向断裂组 ,通过对古河道、现代地貌水系的分析 ,总结了区内新构造运动的特点 ;通过热辐射信息、植被信息的提取 ,分析了地下水补 -径 -排的特点和铀矿化的关系。据此 ,提出了F2 、F3 主活动控制了盆地东南缘腾格尔期扇三角洲相带的分布 ;F2 、F2 1及NW向断裂的复合控制了赛汉塔拉期古河道的分布 ;NE。
Based on color synthesis, textural analysis, image interpretation and extraction of concealed information, the authors interpreted the outcrop regions of Bayanhua Formation (K 1 b ), the basin-controlling NE-trending faults (F 1, F 2, F 3), the NNE-trending faults (F 21 , F 20 ), the NW-trending faults and the nearly EW-trending faults, and updated the geological map of Bayantala basin, Inner Mongolia. An analysis of the information of paleochannels and geomorphology revealed the features of neotectonics. The recharge-flow-discharge characteristics of groundwater in relation to uranium mineralization were studied by extracting information of rock heat radiation and plant cover . On the basis of the above research , it is considered that the distribution of facies zones of Tenggeerian fan-deltas near the southeastern margin of the basin is controlled by F 3 and F 2; the pattern of Saihantalaian paleochannel is controlled by F 2, F 21 and NW-trending faults, and the phreatic and phreatic-interlayer oxidation zone is controlled by the fault-block uplift generated by the combined action of NE-trending, NW-trending and nearly EW-trending faults.
Remote Sensing for Land & Resources