20世纪末以来 ,在起始阶段由西方发达资本主义国家主导的经济全球化 ,不仅不是对马克思主义“两个必然”的否定 ,还恰恰包含着社会主义因素的成长 ;经济全球化 ,从其发展的趋势上讲 ,是世界资本主义体系进一步发展在地域上的极限 ;它的发展不是离社会主义更远了 ,而是离社会主义更近了。社会主义取代资本主义这一人类社会发展的客观规律并没有也不可能改变。
Led by the western developed capitalist countries,the economic globalization since the end of the 20th century is not the negation of Marxist 'two necessities',but the growth of the socialist factors.Viewed from its tendency,economic globalization is the maximum of the development of world capitalist system.Its development is not farther from socialism,but closer to socialism.It is the inevitable law of history that socialism will replace capitalism.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Teachers College