以美国海波皮处理厂的污水处理工程为例 ,阐述了美国现行的集现代先进的污水处理技术、固体废物处理技术及废气处理技术为一体的污水资源化技术路线。结合辽河流域城市污水处理厂的建设 ,从坚持走可持续发展道路的宏观角度提出污水资源化的几点认识。
The up-to-date treatment technologies of wastewater,waste-solid & waste-gas are integrated in American Hyperion Treatment Plant,which forms a technical line of wastewater recycling.Combining the construction of wastewater treatment plants in Liaohe Basin and using the experiences of Hyperion Treatment Plant,the paper discusses several opinions on the wastewater reuse in the macro-view of th eenvironmental and economic sustainable development.
Energy Conservation