提出了一种同时考虑环境效益和经济效益的电力市场短期交易计划新模型。首先对两个单目标确定性模型求解得到目标函数值,其次对目标值进行一定程度的伸缩, 并且定义目标隶属函数将确定性问题模糊化,接着采用最大满意度法将多目标问题转化为单目标非线性规划问题,然后采用非线性规划方法求解,得到新的各竞标机组日出力情况以及新的系统边际电价。仿真结果表明,该文提出的新策略在各单目标优化值轻微伸缩的情况下使双目标综合考虑效果更好,该策略对可持续发展战略和发电竞争商在市场中多因素公平性有重要现实意义。
A novel bi-objective fuzzy optimal short-term trade planning in a deregulated system is presented in this paper. Both pool purchase cost and environmental protection are considered in this model. At first, each single-objective deter-ministic model is solved so that its objective value is got along with the results of unit commitment and power dispatch , secondly, every objective function is fuzzed through defining objective membership function ,then bi-objective programming problem is reformulated into nonlinear single objective programming problem by means of fuzzy satisfaction-maximizing , Finally, nonlinear programming algorithm is used to the results of unit commitment , power dispatch , fuzzy satisfaction-maximizing and SMP.The numerical results demonstrate that the scheme obtained from the bi-objective fuzzy model can meet functions better than that obtained from the single-objective deterministic model with slight variation in the every single-objective. This method of decision making is significant for sustainable development strategy and the multi-factor justice of bidding.
Proceedings of the CSEE