黄山旅游景观的美学特征为 :宏观美与微观美相得益彰 ;清晰美与模糊美相互协调 ;自然景观美与人文景观美相互融合 .旅游景观审美要素包括 :感觉力、想象力、理解力、情绪力和情感力 .在黄山旅游景观美学特征和审美要素分析的基础上 ,论述了黄山峰石地貌景观、云霞气象景观、溪泉潭瀑流水景观。
The features of the aesthetics on tourist landscape of Mt.Huangshan are: Each adds to his brilliance on account of his association with the other-macroscopic beauty and microcosmic beauty;clear beauty and obsure view are complement each other; blends with landscape beauty and artificial scenery each other. The elements of appreciation on tourist landscape include sensation force, imagine force, understanding force, feeling force and emotion force etc. On the basis of the features of the aesthetics and elements of appreciation on tourist landcape, he authors discussed the methods of appreciation on geomorphic landscape of peaks and rocks, meteorological landcape of clouds and rosy cloudls, and landscape of running water etc.
Journal of Anhui Normal University(Natural Science)