介绍了厌氧胶的国内外发展状况及其技术特点、组成和作用. 具体阐述了厌氧胶的基本构成及原理,讨论了各类型厌氧胶的特点、作用及应用范围,分析了它们当前的国内外发展应用趋势.它在国民经济发展中起举足轻重的作用,成为难以用其它胶粘剂代替的工业用胶,因此日益为工业部门所重视.
The development of anaerobic adhesive both at home and abroad , and its applied technique characters, constituents and functions are introduced in this paper. Anaerobic adhesive plays a great importance role in our economic development and can't be replaced by other adhesive. Therefore, industry department pay attention on it day by day.
Journal of Kunming University of Science and Technology(Natural Science Edition)