对不同霉菌在不同基质材料上的侵染情况进行了研究 ,结果表明 :棉布等天然织品最易被侵染 ,而塑料、油漆等人工化合物其次。在 (2 5± 1)℃温度 ,相对湿度 (90± 5 ) %的条件下培养 7d和 2 8d ,最后几种材料长霉面积分别为 :纱布 95 % ,棉布 70 % ,塑料 2 3.19% ,油漆 (涂金属 ) 8.78% ,油 (涂金属 ) 8.6 6 %。这对如何防止该类材料长霉和考核产品或材料的抗霉能力提供了可靠依据。
Erosion of different bases by several standard military indicative moulds was studied. The results showed that natural fabric such as cotton etc. is more easily eroded than the artificial complex such as plastic and paint etc. Different bases were kept in (25±1)℃ and (90±1)% of relative humidity for 7 and 28 days. Materials that grew moulds and their percentage of moldy area are gauze 95%, cotton 70%, plastic 23.19%, paint (applied on a metal) 8.78%, and oil (applied on a metal) 8.66%. The results provided reliable foundation for studying preventive materials from going moldy and resistant capability against moulds.\;
Journal of Microbiology