面对我国当前及今后教育市场激烈竞争的态势 ,就各级学校 ,尤其是已经走向市场的高等学校和发展中的民办学校 ,应采用何种方法来提高教育质量 ,增强市场竞争力 ,满足社会、家长和学生的需求 ,进行了探讨 ,认为在学校中应用ISO90 0 0标准思想 ,建立完善学校教育质量管理体系 ,是个有效的方法和途径 ,并就学校贯彻ISO90 0 0标准的现状、可行性、作用和前景作了详细的论述。
The paper explores ways out for schools at various levels,especially those marketized universities and developing civilian run schools to improve teaching quality,grow more competate and meet the needs of society as well as students and their parents,against the fierce competition that exists in china's educational market both at present and in the future.The paper holds the opinion that the application of ISO9000 will be an effective way to establish a comprehensive scientific educational management system and discusses the corresponding feasibility,function and prospects with the present situation of the implementation of ISO9000.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University