介绍了国内外“孵化器”建设的基本情况 ,并结合宁波市实际就“孵化器”建设的作用、功能、目的等进行了分析 ;指出在加快高新技术成果转化速度 ,推动高新技术产业的发展 ,培育一大批高新技术企业并使其上规模、上水平的进程中 ,政府应注重“孵化器”建设并加大经费的投入等。
The paper briefly introduces the construction of 'brooders' both at home and abroad.and analyzes the impact,functions,and goal of brooder construction in the light of Ningbo's specific conditions.the paper,the necessiuy of accelerating the development of high tech industries has been discussed.The paper also points out that during the process of cultivating and upgrading a group of high tech enterprises,government should attach importance to constructing brooders as well as increasing its investment.
Journal of Zhejiang Wanli University