珠三角是全国最大信息产业基地 ,信息产业总产值占全国 40 % ,深圳 东莞 广州成为全国重要信息产业走廊。香港决心发展高科技产业 ,数码港正在建设中。珠港在发展高科技产业方面应优势互补。建议重点发展信息产业 ,合作组建深港高科技区 ,用高科技改造传统产业。
The Pearl River Delta is the greatest information industries base in China. The production value of information industries in the Delta accounts for 40% of the total in China. An important information industries corridor is formed in Shenzhen-Dongguan-Guangzhou. It is decided to develop high-tech industries in Hong Kong, and the Cyberport project has been started up. The conditions of developing high-tech. industries in the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong are analysed. Both of them have superiorities and shortcomings, and should be complemented each other. It is also suggested that the development should focus on information industries, using high-tech to reform their traditional industries, and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong High-tech Zone should be created. The overall arrangement of high-tech industries in both areas is outlined.
Tropical Geography