目的 探讨遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤恶变的影像学表现。方法 回顾分析 5例经临床、X线平片及CT检查 ,且手术病理证实为遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤恶变的影像学表现。结果 恶变发生在骨盆 2例 ,股骨 2例 ,骨盆及股骨 1例。主要X线表现为软骨帽不规则增厚、破坏或消失 ,钙化成堆 ,密度不均 ;基底部及骨干骨皮质溶骨性破坏 ,骨膜出现放射状骨针及Codman三角 ;软组织明显肿胀。CT表现为软骨帽钙化增多 ,骨质破坏 ;基底部及骨干骨皮质虫蚀样破坏 ;瘤内广泛的不规则钙化或环状钙化及骨化影 ,密度不均 ;放射状骨针及骨膜三角 ;软组织明显肿胀。结论 遗传性多发性骨软骨瘤恶变的影像学表现具有特征性。常规X线及CT检查是诊断本病的可靠方法 。
Objective To explore the image manifestation on canceration of hereditary multiple osteochondroma. Methods A retrospective analysis was done in 5 cases with canceration of hereditary multiple osteochondroma that were proved by operative histology, X ray and CT scanning. Results Two cases canceration occurred in the pelvis, 2 cases in the femur and 1 case in both of the pelvis and the femur. X ray showed irregular incrassation, destruction or disappearance of cartilaginous cap with calcification under heterogeneous density; The osteolytic destruction of the bone cortex of basal part and diaphysis, radioactive bone spicule and Codman triangle in the periosteum; And obvious tumefaction of soft tissues. CT scanning mainly showed the followings: calcification increase of cartilaginous cap and destruction of bone substance, vermiform destruction of bone substance in the bone cortex of basal part and diaphysis, irregular calcification or annular calcification and ossification image with heterogeneous density in the tumor, radioactive bone spicule and Codman triangle, and obvious tumefaction of soft tissues. Conclusion It is characteristic to the image manifestation on canceration of hereditary multiple osteochondroma. X ray and CT scanning are reliable ways for diagnosing the disease.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology