介绍了基于 ASP和 ODBC技术实现网上答疑系统的方法。该系统采用 SQL SERVER 7.0作后台数据库服务器 ,用 ASP编写 Web服务器有关程序 ,用 ASP组件 ADO访问数据库。客户端只需用网页浏览器即可访问本系统。整个系统较好了的利用了网络资源 ,实现了受教育者不受时空约束共享教育资源与教育方法 ,体现了远程教育的开放性。
A net answer system based on ASP and ODBC technologies is introduced, utilizing SQL Server 7.0 as Database Server. ASP programns running on the Web Server access the database with ASP component ADO. Users can access the system through Internet browser. The whole system makes more use of network resources and lets educatees share the education resources and methods without the restriction of time and space, and thus represents the characteristics of long distance education, such as opening, interacting, self determining and so on.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education