科学数据库及其信息系统建设的技术基础是 :数据库技术、网络通信技术和信息工程技术 ,它们的发展和应用对促进科学数据库及其信息系统建设的科学化和实用化起着决定性的作用。本文仅就当今数据库技术的发展及其技术内容做一简介 ,并论述它们的发展与科学数据库系统建设的关系。
The foundation of the science database project and the construction of its information system are database tech, network correspondence and information engineering, and the development and application of the new tech in these fields would make the science database and the construction of its information scientific and practical. This paper gives a brief introduction to the development of database tech, and discusses the relationship between this development and the construction of the science database.
Journal of Nantong Vocational University