西部大开发是我国一项重大的发展战略。西部大开发加强生态环境保护和建设的理由有 :加强环境保护符合我国国策 ,西部地区脆弱生态环境决定必须加强环境保护 ,中国“入世”需要加强环境保护 ;西部大开发加强生态环境保护和建设可通过发展知识经济、环保产业、旅游业等来实现。
lt's an important developing strategy to develop western region,the reasons can be explained as following,the poor ecological environment and the entry into WTO made it necessary to strengthen the protection of ecological balance,it is our country's policy.So in order to realize the protection of ecological environment,we must develop economic knowiedge,non-contaminated industry,tourism and so on.
Journal of Qinzhou Teachers College