合同格式条款与其他合同条款相比较具有鲜明的特点和功能优势 ,适用经济生活的各个领域 ,受到各国立法的重视。格式条款与合同自由原则冲突中表现出来的先天不足成为格式条款规制的理论依据。在我国市场经济条件下 ,从立法、司法和行政等方面完善格式条款规制 。
Compared with the other contract clauses,the format contract clause has striking characteristics and functional advantages.It is adaptive in every economic activity and has drawn the legislative attention of all countries.However,the inherent shortage of its conflicts with the freedom principle of contract becomes the theortical basis of its regulation.It is therefore necessary and urgent to perfect such regulations from the legislative,judicial and administration aspects in China under the market economic condition.
Journal of Shaanxi Economics and Trade Institute