1996年我国票据法公布实施以来 ,票据流通存在保障不够、限制过多的问题。依照国际贸易票据流转规则 ,我国加入WTO后 ,在TRIMS和TRIPS协定下的国际贸易中 ,票据安全流通将更加困难。为此 ,只有加强票据法的学习宣传 ,强力推进票据抗辩限制制度 ,完善我国票据立法 ,才能保证票据的安全流通。
After the implementation of the law for bill of exchange, the circulation of bills is too much restricted in China. In accordance with the regulations for the circulation of bills in international trade, a secure circulation of bills will become more difficult within the frame of TRIMS and TRIPS after China′s entrance to the WTO. Thus, we must strengthen the publicity of the law for bill of exchange, develop the counterplea limitation system and perfect the legislation of bill of exchange to ensure the circulation security of bills.
Economic Survey