为了研究弹丸侧喷复杂干扰湍流场的特性 ,从雷诺平均的Navier Stokes方程出发 ,应用三维隐式有限体积TVD格式 ,在超声速和零迎角条件下 ,对侧喷增程无翼弹三维干扰湍流场进行了数值模拟 ,采用代数方法生成了包含弹底的弹体绕流场O型网格而避免分区计算 ,为精确模拟侧喷口成功生成了侧喷口贴体网格 ,湍流模型采用高雷诺数两方程κ ε湍流模型。计算结果得到了清晰的流场波系结构 ,并从流场波系结构、弹体和弹底表面压力分布等角度与无侧喷流情况进行了对比与分析 ,表明侧喷流不仅提供增程推力 ,而且改变了弹丸阻力特性 。
In order to study complicated interacting flow field over projectile with lateral jets, external interacting turbulence flow over projectile with lateral jets was numerically simulated in supersonic speed and zero attack angle. The three dimensional Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations and implicit finite volume TVD scheme were applied. In order to avoid zonal method, ‘O' type grid of single zone including projectile base was produced by algebraic arithmetic. Body fitted grid was generated for the lateral nozzle exit successfully so that the nozzle exit can be simulated more accurately. The high Reynolds number two equation κ ε turbulence models were used. The clear flow structures are obtained. The two kinds of flow field over projectile with and without lateral jets are compared from shock structure, pressure of body and base, etc . It shows that lateral jets not only can provide push force, but also can change aerodynamics characteristic of projectile.The results are very important for the study of projectile with lateral rocket boosters .
Acta Aerodynamica Sinica